Charlene Li's Blog: Google Checkout Supports Its Core Search Business
Charlene Li's Blog: Google Checkout Supports Its Core Search Business
GCheckout gives merchants
1. easier checkout, so more conversions
2. more trust - can compete with more trusted online merchants
3. discount on ads
4. icon on adwords ads, drives more CTR, so higher ranking
5. cheaper transaction fee than paypal and visa
For small online merchants, its a no-brainer. They will ALL offer it. Whether consumers will adopt it or not, is the open issue. At the very least, by nailing the merchants, Google Checkout has a much better chance for success than previous attempts like PayDirect etc.
GCheckout gives merchants
1. easier checkout, so more conversions
2. more trust - can compete with more trusted online merchants
3. discount on ads
4. icon on adwords ads, drives more CTR, so higher ranking
5. cheaper transaction fee than paypal and visa
For small online merchants, its a no-brainer. They will ALL offer it. Whether consumers will adopt it or not, is the open issue. At the very least, by nailing the merchants, Google Checkout has a much better chance for success than previous attempts like PayDirect etc.
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